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目 錄


As a part of its global transformation, Fairchild Technology invests in lasting solutions for the longevity of the planet and its people through cutting-edge agriculture technology, precision medicine, nanotechnology and robotics, building toward a better future with the world's brightest minds and groundbreaking innovations.

作為新時代科技最受矚目的創投基金機構,Saltagen Ventures 聚焦於快速發展的科技和生物科學領域,致力為投資者提供適合於科學和商業審查機制的初創企業和孵化器。在管理合夥人馮尚賢先生的指導下,擁有一級交易流程、第三方盡職調查服務和端對端的交易周期管理等優勢特色的 Saltagen Ventures脫穎而出,基金收益位居全球 TOP 10,並在早期生物科學領域的基金市場中表現卓越,風控調整後的收益回報率更高。在亞洲各地擁有廣泛合作夥伴和業務網絡的新時代集團,更能讓成長中的企業有能力跨越國界,以加拿大和香港為戰略基地擴張其商業版圖。

Agriculture technology in the areas of socio-economic development, data analytics and automation, genetic engineering and synthetic biology


精準醫療: 如生物標誌物開發、次世代基因定序和醫療大數據及人工智能

農業技術: 如社會經濟發展、數據分析和自動化、遺傳工程和合成生物學領域

納米技術: 包括納米醫學、碳基納米材料和納米加工等


In the sector of communications technology, eSeeLYNX Communication Ltd., a part of the IT arm of The Fairchild Group, has become one of Vancouver's leading multicultural marketing companies, providing IT solutions, support and services to the group's affiliated companies, subsidiaries and direct corporate clients. Its services include corporate website eCommerce design and development, intranet custom application design, programming and network infrastructure design and implementation. It offers state-of-the-art services and security to clients, using its own advanced in-house data centre.

在通信技術領域,新時代集團旗下 IT 部門的 eSeeLYNX Communication Ltd,現已成為溫哥華領先的跨域合作技術營銷公司之一,為集團的聯營公司、子公司和直屬企業提供 IT 解決方案和服務。包括企業網站電子商務設計和開發、內聯網定製應用軟件設計、編程和網絡基礎設施設計和實施,並利用自有的內部數據中心,為客戶的商務合作提供最先進的服務和安全保障。

A fully integrated, one-stop sourcing and wholesale system using the latest robotic warehouse management and AI. These warehouse and logistics technologies create end-to-end efficiency gains, from enhanced ordering, packing and delivery operations to increased management productivity and business through faster market delivery.


The Fairchild Group partnered with Quicktron, an Alibaba investment partner that specializes in robotic warehouse solutions, and together, they are bringing the leading industry innovations and practices to Canada.

2019 年,集團與專注於機械人倉庫解決方案的阿里巴巴夥伴快倉智能 (Quicktron) 合作,共同將領先的行業創新理念和商業實踐經驗引入加拿大。快倉智能作為行業經驗技術的領導者,與對國際市場有深度認知的新時代集團相契攜手,這合作夥伴關係所帶來的競爭優勢令人期待。